Transport Management - a true saving.

reduce your work effort and lower your shipping costs.

Saving both time and money sounds like an impossible equation. But that is exactly what you can do with Speed Transport Management. We will do the job. And lower your shipping costs. At the same time, you will get a better control and overview of your shipping management and can be proactive instead of reactive – this is a bonus we are happy to offer.

A business model that makes everyone a winner.

Our goal is clear – to always find and offer the best shipping on the market. Our holistic approach to logistics therefore extends throughout the transport chain and is never limited to a particular company.

You do not pay anything to lower your shipping costs. Instead, we share the profits. Plus, you are also cutting time for administration — and thus money. It is a win-win for everyone involved.

  • Efficient procurement and advantageous freight agreements.
  • Monitoring of each shipment from door-to-door.
  • Complete transparency via track-and-trace.
  • Direct action in case of incorrect deliveries or freight charges.
  • An invoice with full specification of included shipments.
  • Incoming and outgoing shipments in one single system.

The first step is a transportation analysis.

The first step in our collaboration is a transport analysis. We analyse your current shipments and present a suggestion on how to improve. Based on quality, mobility, lead times, and costs.

Fundament i alla våra lösningsförslag:
– Minskning av transportkostnader.
– Komplett ansvar för alla typer av transporter.
– Reducering av administration.
– En kontakt i alla logistikfrågor.
– En pålitlig modell för genomförandet.
– Fullständig tillgång till Speeds resurser.

Control centre for monitoring and follow-up.

Speed is your partner and right hand for everything logistics. Managing all transport issues through a single contact route is key to the solution. Our central transport centre, innovative IT solutions, and solid experience is a guarantee for control throughout the process. In addition, we have extensive experience of acting as internal or external customer service.

Fokusområden för vårt kontrollcenter:
– Bevakning av leveranser.
– Support och service via mail och telefon.
– Kontroll och rapportering.
– Spotförfrågningar.
– Effektiv hantering av ärenden så som reklamationer och returer.

We ensure that your shipping costs are correct.

Overview and manage all invoicing – in one system. In transport and logistics, it is important to see the whole picture to make correct decisions. Our IT system eliminates time-consuming and costly administration and analyses all invoicing, to the smallest cost item. This saves time and enables shipping agreements to be evaluated.

I tjänsten igår:
– Vi tar emot, kontrollerar, rättar till när det är fel och betalar alla fakturor från inblandade fraktbolag.
– Du får en enda samlad transportfaktura från oss med specifikation i excelformat.
– Kostnadsallokering och kontering.

A single point of contact is ALL YOU NEED.

We have a global network of contacts, rare expertise, and take pride in our independence. These are the tools we use to reduce costs and administration related to transportations. However, we make sure to increase your control – by being the only point of contact needed for communication and payments.

We take full responsibility.

With increasing volumes, the demand for 4PL is also increasing. An external party that streamlines, coordinates, administers, and is responsible for a company’s logistics flows in the long term.

Inefficiencies are highlighted and addressed, and in addition you can expect to receive aggregated statistics. Environmental impact, costs, quality, complaints, and goals – everything is analysed and improved upon in a systematic way.

To ensure that we present the most favorable logistics solutions available on the market, we act as an independent player. Our entire network is used to your advantage.

Fredrik Krysén

Do you want to lower your shipping costs and get time for other things?

Contact Fredrik Krysén +46(0)706 44 74 32. Fredrik knows all there is to know about Speed Transport Management.